All About Web3 Storage with Demo App tutorial

All About Web3 Storage with Demo App tutorial

Store Data in Decentralized Web from your own dApp with APIs and SDKs and much more .


4 min read

In this blog , We will learn more about development with and by the time you complete the blog , you will surely learn something more about and IPFS ,that will level up your Web3 journey.

So let's Start πŸš€πŸš€

What is ?

  • The easiest way to store data on the decentralized web via JS Client .(IPFS)
  • Store your data using simple API. It’s fast, open, and it’s free.
  • Retrieve the data with ease from IPFS .

Why Web3.Storage ?

  • Use simple client library or the HTTP API directly in you dApp for integration
  • All data stored is accessible on the public IPFS network via CID and can be accesses any time
  • Data is stored on File Coin Network , which is free Upto 1 TB+

How to use Web3.Storage ?

Via Account section

  • Head Over to Account on Web3.Storage
  • There you will get an option to upload files and get a CID .
  • Simple way to store all the Data directly to IPFS
  • Data can be retrieved any time from files section

With Script and Node.js

Github Repo

  • Create a folder and Store all the files you want to Store
  • Make a file named put-files.js
  • Add this code to your file
import process from "process";
import minimist from "minimist";
import { Web3Storage, getFilesFromPath } from "";

async function main() {
  const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
  const token = args.token;

  if (!token) {
    return console.error(
      "A token is needed. You can create one on"

  if (args._.length < 1) {
    return console.error("Please supply the path to a file or directory");

  const storage = new Web3Storage({ token });
  const files = [];

  for (const path of args._) {
    const pathFiles = await getFilesFromPath(path);

  console.log(`Uploading ${files.length} files`);
  const cid = await storage.put(files);
  console.log("Content added with CID:", cid);


This code take the files as input , initializes Web3 Client and uploads all the files in the Folder, returns a CID back

  • Add code to a package.json
  "name": "web3-storage-quickstart",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "description": "Get started using in Node.js",
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "dependencies": {
    "minimist": "^1.2.5",
    "": "^3.1.0"
  "author": "YOUR NAME",
  "license": "(Apache-2.0 AND MIT)"
  • Get API Token from here
  • Run npm install to install the packages
  • Run Script --> Upload whole folder node put-files.js --token=<YOUR_TOKEN> ./files --> Upload specific file node put-files.js --token=<YOUR_TOKEN> ./files/fileName1 ./files/fileName2

And Voila ! You will get the CID in console and You have stored a file Successfully via JS πŸ”₯πŸ”₯.

With Next.js/React.js App

Now integrate Web3Storage Client in you Next/ React Dapp in just 5 steps .

I have prepared a live Website for you all to try it out.

Github Repo

Live Website

  • Create a Next App
  • Get the API token from here
  • Install package with npm install
  • Create a component named StoreContent with the code :
import { Web3Storage } from "";
import { WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN } from "../constants";
const web3storage_key = WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN;
function GetAccessToken() {
  return web3storage_key;

function MakeStorageClient() {
  return new Web3Storage({ token: GetAccessToken() });

export const StoreContent = async (files) => {
  console.log("Uploading files to IPFS with");
  const client = MakeStorageClient();
  const cid = await client.put([files]);
  console.log("Stored files with cid:", cid);
  return cid;
  • Store the API key in your .env folder or any other folder and import it here
  • In the main File (index.js), Create a File state const [files, setFiles] = useState([]);
  • Take a input this way and setState automatically .
   onChange={(e) => setFiles([0])}
  • This will accept only 1 file input at a time .
  • Create a function upload which calls StoreContent Component( Do import the component first ).
  • Button can be created and upload must be called to upload the files and this will return a CID in the console, which can be displayed on the Screen using CID state.

image.png Check Console for detailed status of upload . This Successfully completes the Dapp for Uploading the files to IPFS via Client.

For any other Reference : .

Thank you for reading the blog . Meet you next time with some other blog. Do give me a follow on twitter @0xdhurva and share this article with your friends . πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹